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Hope Community School classes are made up of up to 20-30 children. Where possible we keep class sizes small so that we can ensure children can thrive in nurturing environments. Currently, some classes class are made up of mixed year groups. Research strongly supports the idea that mixed-age classrooms are beneficial for children for a number of reasons. In mixed-age classrooms, children are more likely to cooperate than compete. This spirit of cooperation and caring makes it possible for children to see each other as individuals as opposed to competitors. 

Mixed-age classrooms generate a family of learners who support and care for one another.  Older children have the opportunity to serve as mentors and take leadership roles. They model more sophisticated approaches to problem-solving, helping younger children to accomplish tasks they would not be able to do independently. This dynamic increases the older child’s level of independence and competence while increasing the younger child’s spirit of belonging in a community of learners. The school’s curriculum is carefully designed for a mixed age groups. Curriculum plans focus on the progression of developing individual children’s skills and subject knowledge. 

Each class has a teacher and a teaching assistant. This also allows teachers and pupils to create meaningful relationships and provide additional support to those who need it.

Outdoor learning

Where possible we want to take learning out of the classroom. We feel experiential learning is key for children to connect what they are learning to its relevance. We do this through:

  • Learning outside of the classroom
  • Using the Foots Cray Meadows, school grounds and nature area within the school. 
  • Regular visits and school trips - for example to the beach, local museums and educational institutions 

Our current classes

  • Reception - Innovators
  • Year 1/2 - Discoverers
  • Year 3 - Waymakers
  • Year 4/5 - Creators
  • Year 6 - Trailblazers