School Lunches from September
Please find attached an important letter regarding lunches from September.
The latest from Hope Community School Southampton
Please find attached an important letter regarding lunches from September.
Here is the link to this week's Lovely Hat collective for you to enjoy
Here is today's thought of the day
Here is today's Thought of the day for you to enjoy
Here is today's Thought of the day which we hope brings you joy.
Here is today's thought of the day to encourage and to bless you.
Here is the link to our Lovely Hat collective for you to enjoy.
Here is a letter regarding gradually reopening school, along with the addendum to our behaviour policy which gives full details. Along with the photos already shared, we hope this helps.
A simple one today from children’s author and poet Michael Rosen, he wrote “Going on a bear hunt” and the Adventurers favourite “Little rabbit foo foo” amongst others…
Keep going everyone. You are doing amazingly.
Here is the link to our Lovely Hat Collective for you to enjoy.