Friday's newsletter for you to enjoy :-)
The latest from Hope Community School Southampton
Friday's newsletter for you to enjoy :-)
Dance Class will run tomorrow Tuesday 26th November and on the following dates listed:
26th November
10th December
17th December
Friday afternoons bring our wonderful newsletter to you which we hope you will find informative.
For those that attend dance club |
Another glorious newsletter to read and enjoy.
Please read through the attached Newsletter for this week
Further to the email sent before half term, please be advised that due to the church building being fully booked, there is no dance club today and next Tuesday. We apologise for any inconvenience.
Please find attached this week's newsletter.
Here is this week's newsletter which we hope you will find interesting.
Here is this week's newsletter which we hope you will enjoy.
Please be advised we have an extra Inset (staff training) day on 6th January 2020. Please see the attached updated term dates.
We have changed the style of our newsletters and we are excited to share this with you below. We also have a letter from Mr Wright about our new building.