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At Hope Community School children follow the Mathematics Mastery programme. Our vision is for every child to enjoy and succeed in mathematics, regardless of background and starting points. We believe that:

- Success in mathematics for every child is possible.

- Mathematical ability is not innate, and is increased through effort.

-In mathematics, you know you’ve mastered something when you can apply it to a totally new problem in an unfamiliar situation.

So - what does this mean in practise?

Pupils are not going to be working through the curriculum more quickly, but going deeper into it. In Year 1 it is imperative that pupils have full understanding of number sense, number bonds and place value, as all number work in maths builds on what is taught in this year group. 

-We teach fewer topics in greater depth

-Number sense and place value come first

-Problem solving is central

-Pupils have access to plenty of concrete materials such as bead strings and cubes/counters so that they have time to fully explore mathematics,

-lessons provide opportunities for pupils to communicate and develop mathematical language.