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All government funded schools have a statutory obligation to provide a daily act of worship, which are wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character. 

Hope Community School gathers every day as ‘Hope Collective’.  This time offers opportunity to talk, think and pray together.  Each day varies in content and may be based on a story book, a bible story, a traditional tale from across the world, a song, a poem, a prayer, a celebration … Every gathering concludes with a moment of reflection.  A candle may be lit to signify the moment of closure and chance to focus together on the ideas explored that day. DfE guidance states that Collective Worship should include a prayer. At our school all prayers are Christian in theology and relevant for all.  At this moment of reflection, a poem may be read or repeated or a song may be sung.  Children are encouraged to all focus on the moment and may hold a position that supports their concentration; some take a moment to think whilst others pray.

These daily gatherings will reflect our Christian ethos of inclusivity by:  

•             recognising and celebrating the diversity of cultures, life styles and faiths which exist in our school and local community;

•             having an atmosphere in which everyone feels valued and safe;

•             be appropriate for every student to attend;

•             focus on issues and experiences which are relevant to the pupils;

Christian themes and values …

Underpinning everything we do every day at Hope Community School is our strength of belief in the importance of Christian values. 

There are numerous values to be shared and understood.  Each month we consider some of these values more thoroughly in our ‘Hope Collective’ time.  We explore how they feature in our lives, how they are represented in bible stories, how they affect the world we live in and how they shape the people we are. 

We ask our children to share where they have seen each value in action, how it has affected them and how they might apply their learning in the future.

As each value is focused upon it is shared within our whole community and is part of day to day learning within school.  

If you would like more information on the themes and topics for the term for our Collectives please speak with our Principal.